Legal & Regulatory risks
Risk area: | Description: |
Management: |
Legal and Compliance risks |
Legal risks comprise a number of risks in, to some extent, diverse areas. Amended legislation, viola- tions of laws in the operations or errors in any agreements signed by Nobia, are some examples of legal risks that could have negative financial implications for Nobia. In cer- tain instances, they may also result in protracted and costly legal processes.
Compliance risk Non-compliance with the legal and gov- ernance requirements and globally established responsi- ble business conduct in any of the jurisdictions in which we operate and within our supply chain could expose us to significant risk if not actively managed. Failure to success- fully manage relationships with our stakeholders could dis- rupt Nobia’s operations and adversely impact the Group’s reputation. These requirements include laws relating to the environ- ment, price controls, taxation, competition compliance, data protection, human rights, and labour. More stringent environmental requirements, remedi- ation of the environment in connection with plant clo- sures or breaches of permits could incur higher costs for the Group. There is a growing demand from investor and regula- tory communities for improved financial disclosures from companies in relation to climate-related risks and oppor- tunities. |
Nobia constantly monitors developments in several areas and addresses any legal risks that arise in cooperation with external advisers. By their nature, legal issues are often national, which means that local experts are also often engaged by Nobia in various issues.