Operational & Societal risks
Risk area: | Description: | Management: |
Competition |
Competition presents the risk of a negative effect on sales and pricing of Nobia’s products and jeopardises the company’s market position. |
As regards to competitors, risk analyses are carried out both centrally and locally. Through its processes for moni- toring the business environment, Nobia follows up on new players in the market and their impact on the company. The company works to maintain strong and long-term customer relationships in strategic customer segments, and building relationships with new customers. Nobia has a structured and proactive method for follow- ing demand fluctuations. Robust measures and cost saving programmes for adjusting capacity have proven that Nobia can adjust its cost level when demand for the Group’s prod- ucts declines. |
Information technology risks |
The Group relies on IT systems in its day-to-day opera- tions. Disruptions or faults in critical systems have a direct impact on production. Errors in the handling of financial systems can affect the company’s reporting of results. |
Nobia has a global IT security policy, including quality assurance procedures that govern IT operations. The sys- tem landscape is based on well-proven products and the IT landscape is subject to continuous investments in order to remain up to date. |
Technical integrity of our Operating assets |
We have three major production facilities which account for approximately 75% of our total production capacity. If operations at any of these key facilities are interrupted for any significant length of time, it could have a mate- rial adverse effect on Nobia’s financial position or perfor- mance. Incidents such as fires, explosions, or large machinery breakdowns or the inability of our assets to perform the required function effectively and efficiently whilst pro- tecting people, business, the environment and stakehold- ers could result in property damage, loss of production, damage to reputation, and/or safety and environmental incidents. |
From this perspective, the aim of Nobia’s risk manage- ment is to effectively and cost efficiently protect its employ- ees, the environment, the company’s assets and the busi- ness. Nobia strives to create and retain a balance between loss-prevention activities and insurance coverage. The |
Environmental impact and climate change |
Our main external environmental risks relate to phys- ical changes in climate and natural resources, changes in laws and regulations as well as changes in taxes and prices of various natural resources. |
Sustainability risks and climate-related risks are inte- grated into the Group’s overall process for assessing oper- ational risks. Risk assessment is part of our materiality pro- cess for identifying our most material sustainability topics. Risk prevention and management are integrated into stra- tegic planning as well as operational processes and rou- tines. Through our internal sustainability system, we iden- tify, manage and follow up on important sustainability topics, including risks. Sustainability management is inte- grated into central processes such as sustainability score- card in product development and assessment and evalua- tion of suppliers in the procurement process. |
Attraction and retention of key skills and talent |
Our success is driven by our people. Key to our long- term success is attracting, retaining, recruiting and devel- oping a skilled and committed workforce. |
To attract skills and talent we are investing in employer branding; we are engaged in fair and transparent recruit- ment practices, and regular reviews of our diversity and inclusion, labour and human rights policies. We ensure that we have competitive remuneration for the position and country of operation in question. We support and invest in both Group-wide and local training programmes. We have implemented measures to monitor and manage suc- cession planning, staff turnover, internal placements and training. |
Cost and availability of raw material |
Access to sustainable sources of raw materials is essen- tial to our operations. The raw materials used by the Group include significant amounts of wood, steel, alumin- ium and plastics. Wood prices and availability may be adversely affected by reduced quantities of available wood supply that meet our standards for credibly certified or controlled wood, the impact of climate change through increased frequency of severe weather events, changes in rainfall or increased instances of pest and disease outbreaks and increasing use of wood as a biofuel. Cost variations for components (such as handles, work- tops and hinges) and goods for resale (such as appliances) are mainly caused by changes in the commodity prices of raw materials in the global market or suppliers’ ability to deliver.
Risk of delivery disruptions Nobia purchases raw mate- rials and components from Europe, including Northern Italy and Asia/Australia. Disruptions to subsuppliers’ abil- ity to deliver goods to Nobia, as a result of both global and local distributions, could lead to delays to Nobia’s deliver- ies to its customers. Delivery delays could arise for a vari- ety of reasons, for example, extreme weather conditions, pandemics or political disruptions. Such delays could result in costs, loss of income and a tarnished reputation. |
We are committed to acquiring our raw materials from sustainable and responsible sources. We work continually with our suppliers to increase the share of recycled mate- rials and we encourage legislation supporting the local col- lection of recycled materials. |