Strategic & Emerging risks
Risk area: | Description: | Management: |
Political and Macro-economic risk |
Demand for Nobia’s products is affected by gen-
For all its operations, it is important that Nobia endeav- ours to manage the effect of forthcoming economic fluctu- ations by taking a number of measures. Examples of these measures are reducing costs, reviewing capacity and produc- tion structure and creating higher customer value through product innovation. Nobia works continuously to monitor, evaluate and attempt to predict changes in the business envi- ronment in the form of political decisions and changes to rules in the areas that are particularly important to its oper- ations. Nobia is active in various national and international trade associations and in other types of partnerships. The purpose is to gain early knowledge of and actively contribute to the development of areas that are important to the com- pany’s operations. Accordingly, Nobia needs to take proac- tive measures to assess and manage these risks. These risks to the left have been entirely or partly realised as a conse- quence of COVID-19, among other factors. |
Not meeting customers demand and preferences |
Demand for Nobia’s products is affected by general macroeconomic trends and the resulting fluctuations in its customers’ purchasing power and consumption patterns, whereby prices, the number of transactions in the housing market and access to financing are key factors. Key success factors for Nobia’s long-term growth and profitability are our ability to offer attractive, innovative and sustainable products, services and brands and to make these available to customers and consumers over the product life cycle. |
Nobia’s focus on customer and consumer insight guides its innovation activities, ensuring that new products, services are competitive and positioned in the relevant sales chan- nels. |