
Nobia's dividend policy states that the dividend should comprise 40-60 per cent of net profit after tax. Investment requirements, acquisition opportunities, liquidity and the financial position of the company are taken into consideration when preparing dividend proposals.

Current year dividend

Due to uncertainty about the effects of the Coronavirus spread during the beginning of 2020, the Board decided to withdraw the dividend proposal of SEK 4 per share for 2019.

Dividend per share



Data per share20122013201420152016201720182019
Dividend per share, SEK 0.50 1.00 1.75 2.50 3.00 7.00 4.00   0
Dividend in total, MSEK 84 167 293 421 505 1,180  675   0 
Share of dividend, % - 48 - 51 111 116   90   0