Call options scheme for Nobia's Group management

In order to further stimulate shareholdings in the company, Nobia's principal owners, SäkI AB, Investment AB Öresund and IF Skadeförsäkring AB, have agreed to issue call options to Nobia's Group management. This package includes the right to acquire 300,000 Nobia shares.
The terms and conditions are market based and have been calculated in accordance with the Black and Scholes method. The scheme is valid for three years with redemption from October 2009 until May 2010. The price for each call option is SEK 20. The exercise price is SEK 305.
President and CEO Fredrik Cappelen will purchase 150,000 of the issued options. In conjunction with this purchase, Fredrik Cappelen will sell 39,000 shares from his existing holdings.
For further information, contact:
Hans Larsson, Chairman of the Board, Nobia
Ingrid Yllmark, Director, IR and Communications, Nobia 
Telephone +46 8 440 16 00.
Nobia AB
22 December 2006
Nobia is Europe's leading kitchen company. The Group works with strong brands in many European countries. Sales are generated mainly through specialised kitchen studios, both wholly owned and franchises. Nobia is leading the consolidation of the European Kitchen industry and, based on an industrial approach, creates profitable growth by enhancing efficiency and making acquisitions. The Group has about 8,000 employees and net sales of approximately SEK 15 billion. Nobia is found in the Large Cap segment of the Nordic List. More information is available at