Invitation to Nobia’s Capital Markets Update on March 22

Nobia has the pleasure of inviting institutional investors, financial analysts and media to its Capital Markets Update on 22 March 2023 in Jönköping, Sweden. The event will be hosted by Nobia’s CEO Jon Sintorn, together with colleagues from the Group Management team.

The day will provide an update on the Group’s strategy and execution, and includes an on-site tour of Nobia’s new Nordic factory that is under construction in Jönköping.

The event will be held as a physical meeting starting at 10:30 at the Quality Hotel Match, located next to the train station in Jönköping (there are trains arriving from Stockholm at around 10:00), before continuing at the new factory. We will be back at the train station in time for the train leaving for Stockholm at around 18:00.

Further details will be provided closer to the event.

If you plan to attend, please register your participation by e-mail to,
latest by 10 March.