
Nobia has reported in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) since 2012. The sustainability reports have been included in Nobia’s annual report. You can download Nobia’s sustainability reports and GRI index here.

In the annual Sustainability report we describe how we work with our material aspects, our strategy and targets. The sustainability report is included in Nobia’s annual report, but is compiled as a separate report below.

Sustainability reports

Download Nobia's sustainability reports.
  • Sustainability Report 2020
  • Sustainability Report 2019
  • Sustainability Report 2018
  • Sustainability Report 2017
  • Sustainability Report 2016
  • Sustainability Report 2015
  • Sustainability Report 2014
  • Sustainability Report 2013
  • Sustainability Report 2012

GRI references

Download the GRI references.
  • GRI references 2018
  • GRI references 2017
  • GRI references 2016
  • GRI references 2015
  • GRI references 2014
  • GRI references 2013
  • GRI references 2012